A Beginner Guide To Gambas Pdf To Excel
Posted By admin On 16/05/18Having worked in a large corporation, like Citigroup, and having been part of a small founding team, there is one consistent conviction I have gained. If there is one training exercise every employee should go through, irrespective of its size, it should be centered around Microsoft Excel. Excel is, by far, the single most used application in a majority of organizations, so it amazes me how inadequately trained employees are at it. There seems to be no formal training provided in this very important application, and employees are just expected to learn on the job. At Citigroup we used to service U.S. Based clients, which in India meant working night shifts. My theory was that if all these employees, who usually worked long 12-hour shifts, were given proper Excel training, they would all go home about an hour earlier. I know it's an oversimplification but it's always good to have a simple objective rather than a complex one.

Along with a couple of other colleagues, we devised a training course and have trained more than 200 employees. In this post, I will discuss a few basic, important Excel lessons that will help everyone do their job better and do so independently. Excel is an immensely powerful tool, which helps us work with accuracy and speed. 8 In 1 Multi Panel Drivers.
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However, if not used correctly it can seem daunting and can slow users down instead of helping them. At Citigroup, we had an ongoing competition among our colleagues around who could work on Excel for the longest period of time without touching the mouse. It may seem weird at first, but it's all about navigation. As I mentioned, if used correctly, Excel can speed up your tasks. But every time you move your hand away from the keyboard and onto the mouse, you're slowing yourself down. So we learned a lot of navigational and functional shortcuts using keyboards. For example, if you have a data set of 100 names in a column, and you want to go to the last name in the column, the most common way to do this is to scroll down with your mouse or one-by-one with your down arrow key until you reach the end.
Here's the faster route. Use Ctrl + Down Arrow Key for Windows or Command + Down Arrow Key for Mac. Simple. As I’m sure many Excel users have experienced, lists can be 1,000 or even 10,000 names long. Similarly, if you want to move to the end of the row, which has 30 columns, use Ctrl + Right Arrow Key for Windows or Command + Right Arrow Key for Mac. If you think about it for a moment, it becomes very intuitive. As you have seen above, using Ctrl / Command gets you to the last data point. Now, you understand that using Ctrl / Command with the proper directional arrow keys gets you to the end of either the row or the column. Then, it becomes easier to build upon this. Let’s take the same example of 100 names in a column, but pretend instead of just going to the last name in the column, you want to select those 100 names to copy and paste it somewhere else.
Again, the common way to do this is to use your mouse to select the first cell, and drag down till you reach the end. The quicker way to do this is by clicking Shift + Control + Down Arrow Key for Windows or Shift + Command + Down Arrow Key for Mac. We already know Ctrl / Command + Arrow Key takes us to the end of the data set, now we have added “Shift” to our process to help us select that data set. Regardless of the size of your data set, it will always take the same amount of time to select this data set versus using your mouse to copy from the first cell to the last cell. The amount of time it will take to copy 100 names, and copy 10,000 names will be very different. If you want to select an entire row, try Shift + Spacebar. If you want to select an entire column, use Ctrl + Spacebar.
These are small hacks that will help you eliminate using your mouse and keeping your fingers on your keyboard. Related: In my 10 years of Excel experience, I've learned that navigation and selection are the two most common activites performed in the software; therefore, simply learning how to navigate around in it will help you achieve one of Excel's biggest benefits: speed. Another very powerful function of Excel is Paste Special. We all know the famous Copy + Paste options, but Excel provides even more immensely powerful features for pasting copied data in different ways. Below are all the available Paste options, let's look at the three most common ones: Formulas, Values and Formats. • Formulas: This is useful when you have a cell with a formula that is well-formatted - with borders, color and a specific font -- and you want to copy just the formula to another location. Simply copying and pasting would copy all the aspects of the original cell, including the color, border and font.