Bighorn Titanium Edition Fifth Wheel
Posted By admin On 11/04/18It is time to do a little bit of a critique on the New Big Horn Titanium after living in for a month now and towing it 2500 kms. It looks to us that Heartland has taken a great product and improved upon it. Let me start off by saying that this is the first Titanium that we have ever owned that I didn't have to make any repairs (knocking on wood now) The towing experience has improved over the previous models of the Titanium's that we have owned. I believe this can be attributed to the addition of shock absorbers with the Dexter EZ-Flex suspension system. The ride when you hit a depression at the end of a bridge is smoother.
I feel much less movement in both the truck and trailer. The braking system is the old standard electric drum brakes which are adequate, but I would still prefer to have the EOH braking system used by Glendale on later models. The Balanced Scorecard Robert Kaplan Pdf - Download Free Apps.
Jan 30, 2013 Mark's NEW 2011 Heartland RV Bighorn Ti32 Titanium Edition Fifth Wheel. Mods The Saboteur Game there. Thanks, and Enjoy!
The front landing legs are now Hydraulic as opposed to the electric used by Glendale. I really like this system.
It takes about 5 seconds to raise the trailer off the truck. The legs are self seeking meaning that one leg will extend first and make contact with the ground and then stop, the other leg will then extend and make contact and then both legs will extend evenly. The landing legs have much larger pads and boards are probably not required on softer ground. The basement compartment doors on the side are the slam type similar to what you see on a motor home. This is a huge improvement over the standard doors with the twist latch system.