Czerwone Gitary Caly Album Download
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Czerwone Gitary was one of the most famous and prolific Polish rock groups of the 1970's. They were the Polish answer to the Beatles. Producing some of the most original rock and romantic contemporary music of their time, their music is stay played everywhere in Poland today. This, their 1976 Christmas album features some of the most beautiful contemporary (and a few traditional) Polish Christmas music. A truly classic album we know you cannot help but enjoy. Selections: 1.
Nad swiatem cicha noc 3. Lec koledo 4. Gwiazda na kiju 5.

Juz zabawki spia 6. Zima,zima - snieg 7.
Dalej, dalej pedza sanie 9. Wigilia swiata 10. Dwie Sowy 11. Kolysanka dla Okruszka 12. Mosci Gospodarzu 13. Mizerna Cicha 14. Dzisiaj Betlejem 15.
Dzien, Jeden W Roku. Fine Print 6 01 Crackers.