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This book covers the following topics: Marketing: Nature, Scope and Corporate Orientation Towards Market Place, The Marketing Environment and Environment Scanning, Understanding Consumer and Industrial Markets, Marketing Research and Marketing Information System, Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, Product Decisions: Product Life Cycle and Product Mix, Product Decisions: New Product Development, Branding, Packaging and Labelling, Pricing Methods and Strategies, Promotion Decision: Promotion Mix and Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling and Publicity. Selling cannot yet properly be called a profession, but when the importance of training and experience for salesmen is recognized to the same extent that it is for doctors, accountants, or electricians, and when a satisfactory code of ethical practices in selling is developed, it may attain that status. This book explains the following topics related to selling: What is a salesman, appearance and its influence on successful selling, buying motives, canvassing for prospects, sales pre- approach, conduct in the sales approach, sales interview and presentation, handling objections, closing the sale, function of advertising, sales helps, sales tools and product displays.