Torrent Password Recovery Bundle 2012 Advanced Dermatology
Posted By admin On 15/05/18The Dermatology department provides consultations for skin, hair fall, baldness and other hair related problems, nail problems, leprosy, and sexually transmitted diseases. The dermatology department is also proud to be the first in India to start A which specializes in handling issues like itching, pain, ulcers, boils, etc on the vulvar (genital skin of women), headed by Dr Nina Madnani who is the only Fellow from India of the International Society of the Study of Vulvo-vaginal Diseases (ISSVD). It is run jointly by the Dept. Of Gynecology. Dr Rajiv Joshi is a qualified dermatopathologist, trained with Dr Bernard Ackerman, USA, and reports all the dermatology slides. He is one of the very few qualified dermatopathologists from India.
Our “Aesthetic Dermatology” section offers chemical peels, dermabrasion, botox and fillers. We also have the latest multi-application laser system which deals with skin rejuvenation, laser peel, removal of tattoos, scars, pigmentation etc. Other treatment options provided are mole removal, wart removal, hyfrecater treatment, radiofrequency, cryotherapy, phenol application, and xanthelasma treatment.
We are often sent patients for second opinions.
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