Evinrude G2 200 Reviews
Posted By admin On 26/02/18In this video, we compare a 200hp Evinrude E-TEC G1 with a G2 outboard. The speed and fuel difference will amaze you. For more review, test, performance data, captain reports and more about the Evinrude E-TEC G2 200 HP, go. Installed by Evinrude Platinum dealer. Autocad Mep 2013 Hangers For Vinyl there. Be sure to watch follow up video. Kevin's 2015 Evinrude 300HP G2.

Installed by Evinrude Platinum dealer. Be sure to watch follow up video. Kevin’s 2015 Evinrude 300HP G2.
“I have around 20 hours on it and came to the coast this week to do some offshore fishing. Rented a house right on the water with a dock so I could get up, get in the boat and go. Problems started 20 minutes after I got the boat off the trailer.
As I made my turn to put the boat at the dock, I began to trim the motor up some since I did not know the depth at the dock. Next thing I hear are alarms going off. Several faults are blinking on the screen, I can't remember them all but Engine fault and fuel pump fault were two that I remember well. Anyway, finally limp it to the dock and get it tied up and then shut the motor off. I then try to restart and I have a 'Waiting for neutral fault' Code 36 on my Icon gauge.
I check and double check and know that I am indeed in Neutral. I text my service manager and as I'm waiting, I unhook the motor from power, wait, hook it back up and, waiting for neutral comes on. I get a reply from my service manager and he has me check a few things and calls BRP for some assistance.
BRP finally calls back and gives him the number for the nearest evinrude dealer, Tidewater Marine and I call. I tell the guy what's going on and he tells me to check all my connections. In the time it took for me to get ahold of anyone I now have 4 more error codes. Main Ground Disconnected (code 33), EMM0 Communications Lost (Code21), EMM0, NEMA bus heart beat locat (Code 20), EMM0 Private bus heart beat lost. After telling me to check all the connections I asked what would happen if that didn't work, Bill tells me he's too busy with his customers to help me, he may be able to look at it in a week or so but 'Good Luck'. I then ask how I am supposed to get it up on the trailer if I cannot trim the motor up since it would be dragging the ground and he tells me to pull out the trim switch and short it out to get it to go up. I thank him for his complete lack of help and am now seriously regretting my purchase.
So now that I know I'm on my own I start taking the dash apart, the side mount, the NMEA network trying to find something that isn't connected or shorted out. I eventually take the top and front panel off the motor and the ground wire hooked to the motor isn't connected, the wire is pulled out of the crimp, since I dont have a pair of crimpers that will work, I use some solder and a torch that I had to buy and am able to get it soldered on. I get everything back together and now my motor trims and starts and appears to be working. So I'm thinking it's fixed and I'm good to go! Not the case. So the next day comes and I get in the boat in the morning to test drive it to see if everything is ok.
It starts right up and I'm on my way, although it doesn't seem to have the power it did. I go about 2 miles and start to head toward the inlet when alarms start going off again.
I wasn't able to take pics of the codes cause I'm in the inlet and now my motor is shutting down and no way to trim the motor up. Excessive knock error and another engine error, but not sure exactly what it was because I am now without power and heading toward a sand bar.
After the sand bar stopped my forward movement I am now stuck, so again I take off the top and front panel to check the ground and it is solid. I try starting the motor and nothing happens. I get a neutral code error again and I then disconnect everything from the battery. Once I hook it back up I am able to start the motor but alas, the tide has been going out and what was slightly stuck is fully stuck, I try using the motor to nudge me backward but it seems to have no power, then I get more error codes about the motor and it shuts down again. Digi Net Mobil Driver Download. A passing boater comes to my aide and we are able to push it backward off the sandbar and into deeper water.
I get the motor started and limp it back to the dock. The next day I get it started and want to take it up and down the waterway to see if it'll work. I'm at 4400 rpm and going 12 mph, there isn't enough power to get the boat on plane. So now my week is ruined and I have a boat I cannot use and friends and family that were coming to go out fishing, cannot. Several things really bother me about this whole experience. First my trip was ruined and I've basically wasted $1500 on renting this beach house because I am so pissed about the motor issues.