Python Template Package
Posted By admin On 01/07/18Flask Project Template # flask_template templates used to fast create flask project. ## install `pip install flask_template` # usage `flasktemplate create [-t simple. PowerPoint File Basics. Python-pptx can create blank PowerPoint files but most people are going to prefer working with a predefined template that you can customize. There are different approaches to this, whether one or the other is better is depending on a how you want to develop, usage of the package (e.g. If you ever install it using pip install -e packag_name ), etc. What is missing from your tree is the name of the directory where the resides, and that is usually the package.
Flask Project Template Latest Version: # flask_template templates used to fast create flask project. ## install `pip install flask_template` # usage `flasktemplate create [-t simple] project_name` will create a flask project directory named after project_name on current path. `flasktemplate list` will list current supported templates. # update logs ## 0.4 1. 增加migrations目录,修改默认,在alembic.ini增加alembic:include和alembic:exclude字段支持,以限定alembic 默认检测的表; 2.
修复一些typo; File Type Py Version Uploaded on Size () Source 2017-12-26 13KB • Author: YIMIAN INC. • Home Page: • Keywords: flask development • License: MIT • Categories • • • • • • • • • • Package Index Owner: zhangjinjie • record.
Yesterday, Jeff Knupp wrote an amazing how-to article called '. While I was reading it, I was rather pleased by just how close it is to my own practices. Considering Jeff's amazing, it meant I was on the right track. The downside, of course, is implementation. Creating reusable Python packages has always been annoying. There are no defined/maintained best practices (especially for, so you end up cutting and pasting hacky, poorly understood, often legacy code from one project to the other. Some of it does nothing and some of it fails catastrophically on Python 3.
There's a term for this sort of behavior, and it's called. Fortunately, while I was and (and ) was writing, someone was making. Cookiecutter does one thing and it does it well What does is make creating and maintaining project templates easy and intuitive. This allow developers of all languages (not just Python) the ability to break free from cargo-cult configuration and follow patterns dictated by the experts who present their own cookiecutter templates. So if you don't like how the author of cookiecutter's creates her projects, you can use someone else's or roll your own. Okay, enough talk, let's use cookiecutter to build a Python project. Assuming you have installed.
$ cookiecutter Cloning into 'cookiecutter-pypackage'. Remote: Counting objects: 183, done. Remote: Compressing objects: 100% ( 100/100 ), done. Remote: Total 183 (delta 87 ), reused 161 (delta 70 ) Receiving objects: 100% ( 183/183 ), 29.36 KiB 0 bytes/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% ( 87/87 ), done. Checking connectivity. Done full_name (default is 'Audrey Roy' )?
Daniel Greenfeld project_name (default is 'your project' )? Snip for brevity See how it asks my full name?
Well, at this point, begins to ask a number of questions. Bizcard 3 0 Keygen For Mac. These questions are actually specified in the file for. Once you've answered everything that wants, it generates your project. Let's go and check. Creating cookiecutter templates is easy and intuitive All you have to do is: • Fork and rename it.
• Make the changes you desire. You can change anything you want, the, the test handling, or perhaps add or remove from the questions specified in. Right now repo_name is a mandatory field, but there is an issue submitted to have that changed. • Remember that renders everything in. Questions asked by are rendered to the project's files (be those files in Python, Javascript, HTML, etc). So if you add a field to, all you have to do to see it in a templates is write.
Two Scoops of Django 1.11 This book is chock-full of material that will help you with your Django projects. The Darkest Autumn The adventure begins in Book One of this coming-of-age series. Vetch is training to be a knight in a magical world. But he's afraid of battle and reluctant to hurt others. He's also nervous around girls. He's kept his fears from his friends but knows at some point he'll be revealed for the coward that he is. Myfourwalls Mac Serial here. Led by a sorcerer, a massive army of men and inconceivable monsters attack Vetch's homeland.